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Befriending Your Body: A Somatic Video Guide to Developing a Healing Relationship with Your Body After Trauma
Welcome to Befriending Your Body
Getting To Know Your Guide
What Brought Me to Somatic Healing (10:12)
The Healing Elements of Somatic Practice
Developing A Healing Relationship With The Body (7:04)
Navigating Befriending the Body
The Body Story
Your Body + Your Environment
Your Body Is A Living Journal
Your Body Is A Healing Resource
Getting to Know My Body Story (13:01)
What If Your Body Is On Your Side?
Resource: Exploring Your Body Story
Getting Collaborative
Let's Learn: Choice + Consent
Let's Practice: Noticing Patterns of Disconnection & Protection (29:52)
Let's Practice: Compassionate Body Holds (24:54)
Let's Practice: Stretching for Body Armoring (36:25)
Let's Reflect: Identifying Protective Responses
Resource: Potential Members of the Inner Security Team
Checking In Before Moving Forward
Creating Safety
Let's Learn: The Gift of Curiosity & Compassion
Let's Practice: Leaning Back to Lean In (28:20)
Let's Practice: Intentional Body Shaking (28:55)
Let's Practice: Grounding Floor Rolls (27:08)
Let's Reflect: How We Respond Matters
Resource: The Pattern of Compassion
Checking In Before Moving Forward
Developing Somatic Awareness
Let's Learn: Coming Back Into Your Body
Let's Practice: Softening Our Vision (28:23)
Let's Practice: Developing Interoception (25:20)
Let's Practice: Developing Dual Awareness (37:54)
Let's Reflect: Somatic Tracking
Resource: Somatic Tracking Template
Checking In Before Moving Forward
Practicing Pendulation
Let's Learn: Expansion & Contraction
Let's Practice: Progressive Muscle Relaxation (26:04)
Let's Practice: Folding In & Unfurling (25:49)
Let's Practice: Body Boundary (37:23)
Let's Reflect: Learning to Ride the Waves
Resource: Assessing My Recovery Needs
Checking In Before Moving Forward
Compassionate Containers
Let's Learn: Attunement & Support
Let's Practice: Exaggerated Sigh (27:28)
Let's Practice: Rhythmic Drumming (22:03)
Let's Practice: Legs Up the Wall (33:35)
Let's Reflect: Body Appreciation
Resource: My Inner Resources
Checking In Before Moving Forward
Let's Learn: A Healing Relationship With Your Body
Let's Practice: Receiving Warmth (22:35)
Let's Reflect: What Has Shifted
Thank You For Inviting Me In (6:07)
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Let's Reflect: Somatic Tracking
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